By Neil Amor-Food Matters, NGT

Growing up in a small community in the South African bush, surrounded by Zulu's and Hindu's, with a childhood drenched in the sounds of drumming and harmonising, would make one well prepared for the unique culture of Nimbin.
In Tarang's own word's: “medicine men and women, Sangoma... being traditional herbalist, healers and diviners, were around our little village...Growing up, I was fascinated and impressed by their healing abilities and diagnostic techniques... bone and stone, plants and creatures used in the healing arts. Small shops, packed with powders and jars, ceiling hung with dried herbs and creatures...potent smells.”
Arriving in Nimbin in 1986 via several years and children in New Zealand, Tarang followed her inclinations borne of her childhood experiences in South Africa, a number of spiritual initiations and her natural leaning towards harmony in all things.
After studying Homeopathy, graduating in 2005 , Tarang become part of the Nimbin Apothecary where she served the community for several years.
Opening her own business in 2006 - Nimbin Homeopathics was born. Supplying a wide range of remedies, mineral celluloid's, colloidal silver, balms, creams and essential oil products.
All available from Nimbin Organic Food Co-op.
Being a community, we support each other : )